Friday, November 29, 2019

Are Computers an Essential Feature of Modern Education Essay Example

Are Computers an Essential Feature of Modern Education Essay Example Are Computers an Essential Feature of Modern Education Essay Are Computers an Essential Feature of Modern Education Essay Essay Topic: Education With the dawn of the computer era, all aspects of the society have become influenced by technology, including education. A large number of students use computers to work on. Even though it makes our work easier, it can turn out to be a huge distraction due to things like games, social networking sites, watching movies, etc. For example, in my school, students from grade 6 have their own laptops and during the breaks or even after school on the train platforms you will find them playing games on their laptops. I think computers are not really essential for modern education. What is important, is that we know our basics. If we have a strong foundation, we could be better off in the future. Even though jobs today are largely dependent on technology, we can learn how to use computers later on in life or alongside any other work. There are various subjects that can be taught using technology such as computer graphics, programming like C++ and Visual Basic, history (by showing videos), etc. For drama, computers can be used as well to show videos of famous actors in the past. Subjects such as chemistry, biology, art and music are better taught without a computer because these are practical subjects. In conclusion, computers could be used in education but it should be kept to a minimum. If a child gets addicted to computers from a young age, their basics in subjects like maths, for example might not be strong due to the use of calculators.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Developing Modern States essays

Developing Modern States essays Successful modern states developed a monopoly over the lawmaking process, the armed forces, and the bureaucracy to meet the needs of the state. In order to have a successful modern state they first needed a powerful ruler. Fredrick the Great of Prussia used his power and wisdom to improve the lives of his people. He used the method of enlightenment for improvement and he also encouraged the use of new methods of planting to make their agriculture more strong. Frances Louis XIV insisted on convening a council daily. He reorganized his kingdom financially and administratively. He encouraged cultural activities such as music, art, and painting. Peter the Great focused on the growth of trade and wanted to gain control of the Baltic Sea. He introduced Russia to the West and insisted on the best of everything to be brought there. These leaders would stop at nothing to ensure that their modern state got what they wanted. Unlike the kings of Poland, the monarchs of France, Russia, and Prussia developed these features of the modern state. The enormously diverse Kingdom of Poland remained an anachronism in the modern world. Because of this Poland experienced declining economic conditions. Instead of moving ahead with the other countries Poland stayed unadvanced which put them behind agriculturally and economically. Their country remained unchanged while the other countries were moving ahead with new technological advances. Their non-participation in the furthering of their country led to a depression in Poland. Peter the Greats Russian empire rested on the marriage of autocracy and the nobility. Peter inherited almost absolute power. He created a Senate and he was the first emperor to give his unlimited power a moral and political definition. However, Peter did nothing to change the organization of society. Peter made education compulsory for the nobility; he divided the civil servi ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discusses the Dream act in Texas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Discusses the Dream act in Texas - Essay Example It is fundamentally a legislation ruled on Taxes, as applicable in the US to prevent exploitation of immigrant children from being deprived of the basic amenities essential for a healthy life in the modern phenomenon, implemented with the code SB1819. It was initially sponsored by Texas senators, including Tom Creighton, Lois Kolkhorst and Donna Campbell. Taking into concern the social need of welfare, with the rising numbers of undocumented immigrants, this legislation was enacted (Escalante, â€Å"Fight for the Texas Dream Act Continues†). Undoubtedly, Texas and its social features have a considerably important role to play in the improvisation of the Act, triggering a series of favoring as well as opposing social movements throughout the US. DREAM Act was developed for the purpose of rectifying discrimination of undocumented immigrant children from their educational rights. The primary objectives of this Act have thereafter been emphasizing the legalization of the overall status of undocumented immigrant children residing in Texas (Nakamura, Costa and Fahrenthold, â€Å"Obama announces immigration overhaul shielding 4 million from deportation†). Undoubtedly though, the enactment of the stated legislation had to face many conflicts and hindrances owing to its supposed limitations concerning registration of the undocumented immigrant children and the allocation of national resources to suffice their needs. In order to mitigate these limitations, the various conditions noted to come under the DREAM Act emphasized that immigrant children entering the country, must be at an age of 15 years at least to obtain the benefit and get registered in the public schools of Texas. Besides, the children should have sufficient pro of regarding their presence within the nation for a minimum five years (Escalante, â€Å"Fight for the Texas Dream Act Continues†). Rate of immigration in Texas has

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

U04d1 Critique Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

U04d1 Critique Case - Essay Example rtant that the boards focus on testing and challenging the various strategic options before choosing the options and stepping in blindly into the options. The reason being, the architecture of the organizations are unique in their own ways and it is essential to note that the strategy that might work on one organization may not work as effectively on other firms as well. The firms need to work towards building a successful rapport between the employees and management as well as the suppliers and management as well. Also the customers and the network of the firm need to also be constantly engaged in the firm and the related activities as well (Velasquez, 2006). As explained well by Prahlad, it is clear that the strategic architecture’s blue print needs to be discussed with complete focus on the functionalities and the inclusion of newer competencies and the improvements of the interface with the customers. Together all the aspects of the business can build up and become a success. Another important explanation by Prahlad also explains, â€Å"A core competence is a bundle of skills and technologies that enables a company to provide a particular benefit to customers† (Hamel & Prahalad, 1996). The core competencies are a gateway to the successful future and the continuous improvements of the investments and also the company growth. Hence it is very important to consider these and to work towards improving these aspects of the business as well (Mill, 1995). Also a few other questions that need to ba answered and to be considered for the case include the following. What is the foresight for the development of various external factors for the company? The main justification for this question is to realize that a successful business is one which concentrates not only on the sales and revenues but equally on the various factors that enclave it. What is the importance that is given to the governing boards on the issues of the ethical boundaries? It is important to

Monday, November 18, 2019

Db1 strategic management of human assests Research Paper

Db1 strategic management of human assests - Research Paper Example Mission statements are considered as one of the most widely used management tools, which help an organization to achieve those important goals and objectives for necessary conditions of long- term activity and market success (Bart, 2001). One of the leading nutrition, health and wellness companies in the world food market is the Swiss Nestle, which aims to provide its consumers with the best nutritious and tasting food and beverage for all occasions. To be the best food company, Nestle invests greatly into the development of its people, using one of its principles for each employee to have an opportunity to develop to the maximum of their potential. It conducts learning in literacy and local and international trainings for its employees, has apprenticeship programs worldwide and gives the possibility to the managers to take part in the external management training. The company actively supports work and life balance of its employees, encouraging them for flexible working conditions if possible. To retain talents within an organization, Nestle should think over the improvement of its strategy towards its employees. Thus, certain surveys will give better vision of what employees expect from the company and how the rela tionship between the management and its staff can be improved. Brodowsky, G. H. (1998). The effects of country of design and country of assembly on evaluative beliefs about automobiles and attitudes toward buying them: A comparison between high and low ethnocentric consumers. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 10(3),

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Trumps Changes to Transgender Bathroom Rules

Trumps Changes to Transgender Bathroom Rules The Proposal for Transgender Bathroom Conversion Now that the Trump Administration has withdrawn Federal enforcement of the transgender bathroom order, it is up to each State to decide what course of action to take, if any (Hersher, Johnson, and para 4-5) It is evident by the number of lawsuits filed against the Federal Government that the constitutionality of Obama’s Executive Order is in question. Recently, the Supreme Court postponed hearing a case involving a Virginian transgender high school’s student, partially due to President Trump’s announcement. The details of the case involve a transgender student, who was already using the boy’s bathroom, but pressure from parents and others forced the school district to change its policy and deny the student’s ability to use the boys’ bathroom. (Liptak, para 2-5). The school adopted a policy that states all students must use the bathrooms/locker rooms according to the gender on their birth certificate and a private bathroom/locker room would be provided for transgender students. The boy sued under protections outlined in the fourteenth amendment stating he was refused civil rights because of his gender. In light of the recent withdraw of Obamaâ₠¬â„¢s order by the Trump Administration, the Supreme Court decided to send the case back to the appellate court of origination for its further review. In August, the Supreme Court decided (5 to 3) that while the student’s case proceeds, temporarily, the school is not compelled to let the student choose his bathroom (Hersher, Johnson, para 17). Besides the lawsuits sparked by the transgender bathroom issue, many religious organizations and activist groups have also voiced concern over the issue. North Carolinians objected so loudly that State legislatures refused to override state laws that stated people had to use the bathroom of the gender corresponding to their birth certificates. In return, the Justice Department sued the State of North Carolina for circumventing the ordering in this manner (Hersher, Johnson, para 11). Other states and communities passed similar laws or already had them in place prior to the order. When there is this much opposition and prejudice it usually stems from a gross misunderstanding of the situation In order to produce any meaningful solutions to this problem, it is paramount to educate the public about the medical realities of hermaphroditic conditions and elicit empathy to replace the anger this subject has released. Once Americans understand that in many cases being transgender is a choice the person’s doctor made for them at birth, it is possible more people will understand the bathroom issue more readily. It is also meaningful to illustrate the costs associated with converting schools to standards acceptable to the entire community, not just the transgender group. A three step plan is proposed that incorporates educating the public about intersex conditions, developing a realistic budget for schools to accommodate transgender bathrooms, and organizing a vote on the issue once the public is better informed.   Many people are opposed to the transgender bathroom because they lack an understanding of the medical issues involving intersex children and the path in life they face. It is difficult for most people to ever imagine having an intersex condition or having a child with a gender identity problem. Educating the public through public service announcements may be an effective way to approach this problem. If more people understood that in some cases, what has happened to an innocent baby at birth should not be the cause of persistent suffering psychologically and physiologically to have a Male XY genetic marker with a vagina. The prejudice transgender people encounter is widespread and educating the ignorant tends to abate some of the prejudice. The transgender community should consider eliciting a well-known or at least well-spoken spokesperson in order to start the process of educating the massed about the transgender plight. The second part of the plan involves preparing budget estimates for school conversions needed to accommodate transgender students. Safety of students seems to be one of the primary concerns of opponents to the bathroom issue, so privacy is of utmost priority. Based on ideas currently being discussed within the Sarasota School District, schools would provide a private, unisex bathroom for transgender students and partition locker rooms to provide a private space there as well. It is currently not known how many specialty unisex bathrooms each school will provide; however, for purposes of this analysis, it is assumed that one per school will be built out. The budget line items represent the total cost of each subcontracted task. For instance, the drywall line item indicates the total cost to partition the locker rooms/private changing areas. Even though not all of the districted schools may have locker rooms, for purposes of this cost illustration, it is assumed each school will requir e the build out. Once the public is sufficiently educated and the costs to convert the schools are properly relayed to the public, it will be time to organize a vote on the issue. Even if Trump rescinded the Federal Executive Order, States must remain concerned and prepared for a ruling by the Supreme Court that may ultimately force State school districts to comply with the initial order after all. In the event this happens, at least the public will be more educated and costs will be spelled out so that voters can make a rational, rather than emotional, decision. It must be emphasized that currently the Transgender Community does not seem to have a ‘famous’ person for their cause. A movement does not move very far without a leader. In the event the State and its voters or the Supreme Court decide to proceed with establishing policies for transgender bathroom availability, it is important to describe the costs that will be associated with revamping schools to fit the new policies. In order to illustrate the cost per school and the impact to the over school district, Sarasota County School District will be used as an example. It should be kept in mind that if legislation impacts all school districts statewide, a further cost analysis will need to be performed. The following budget is based on estimates obtained from local contractors based on a price for completed jobs (Daniel’s Plumbing, Jimenez Drywall). Based on the cost budget analysis, the cost of school bathroom/locker room conversions equal approximately $759,500, or $17.70 per registered student (SSD, Student Enrollment Charts). If the proposed idea of adding unisex bathrooms and converting current locker room space to include a partitioned area wi th showers is acceptable, the costs per student are low enough to justify the conversion.  If more build out is required, this budget analysis will need to be revised to take into consideration any changes. Based on empirical evidence (verbal survey of students from various SSD schools), approximately 0.1% of registered students, or approximately 429 children may be affected by an intersex condition or are transgender. The cost of conversion per transgender child, divided over the 13 years the child is assumed to attend SSD school, equals approximately $136 per child: this amount is rather a small amount to pay for the safety, security, and well-being of all students concerned. It should be noted; the costs contained herein estimates and are for illustrative purposes only.   The time is now for the Transgender movement to strive to educate the public more on the issues that affect them in an effort to reverse some of the prejudice that exists today. It seems imperative for the group to organize and delegate a leader to champion their cause. (Maybe Obama’s free?). Once organized, the group needs to decide how to educate the masses. Next, the group needs to formulate what bathroom arrangements are acceptable and provide a plan that includes cost estimates based on a per child basis in order to make acceptance of any changes more credible. The final phase is for the group to get petitions circulating to get the issue on a ballot and get the voters to approve its proposition. Many movements take years to accomplish their goals: Just think about how long it took women suffragettes, gay right activists, or civil rights leaders to accomplish their goals. The Transgender movement received a head start when Obama made the nation aware of one of its issues; however, the movement needs a powerful leader and some organizational zeal to accomplish its goals. Citations Liptak, A. Supreme Court Won’t Hear Major Cases on Transgender Rights†. Dated March 6, 2017. Retrieved from the New York Times website on April 12, 2017 WEB Hersher, R. and Johnson, C., â€Å"Trump Administration Rescinds Obama Rule On Transgender Students Bathroom Use†. Dated February 22, 2017. Retrieved from website on 4/11/207 WEB Budget created by Serena Hart on MS Word. Cost estimates based on conversations with two local Sarasota contractors: Daniel’s Plumbing, Jimenez Drywall. Not to be relied on, for illustrative purposes only. For final presentation purposes, this report will be incorporated with an analytical report, also by Serena Hart entitled, â€Å"Color Me Blue†.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Inflation :: Economics Economy Price Inflation

Inflation defines as an increase in the price you pay or a decline in the purchasing power of money. In other words, price inflation is when prices get higher or it takes more money to buy the same item. Interest rates are increased to moderate demand and inflation and they are reduced to stimulate demand. Monetary policy aims to influence the overall level of monetary demand in the economy so that it grows broadly in line with the economy's ability to produce goods and services. This stops output rising too quickly or slowly. If rates are set too low, this may encourage the build-up of inflationary pressure; if they are set too high, demand will be lower than necessary to control inflation. Changes in demand and output then impact on the labor market - employment levels and wage costs - which in turn influence producer and consumer prices. When the Fed increases the discount rate, it does not have an immediate impact on the stock market. Changes in the official Bank rate then affect the whole range of interest rates set by commercial banks, building societies and other financial institutions for their own savers and borrowers. It will influence interest rates charged for overdrafts and mortgages, as well as savings accounts. A change in the official Bank rate will also tend to affect the price of financial assets such as bonds and shares, and the exchange rate. These changes in financial markets affect consumer and business demand and in turn output. Changes in the official Bank rate take time to have their full impact on the economy and inflation. Some influences, such as those on the exchange rate, work very quickly. In January of 2003, Oil price spiked up 76.82% from the previous January. These have recently been some speculation on the correlation between a sharp rise in Oil price and a sharp fall in Stock prices. The way the theory goes is that a sharp increase in oil prices on the magnitude of 50% to 100% annual increase has historically resulted in a sharp decline in the stock market price.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Chris Nolan Auteur Essay

Auteur theory could be applied to Christopher Nolan as his films feature recurring elements, the theory its self, derives from an â€Å"influential group of French film critics and film makers during the 1950’s† (Nykki Montano film 110). Auteur theory examines the individual creative vision and personal perspective of the director, an auteur will feature recurring themes in their films, from using the same actors as the protagonist for their films to even using the same cinematographer and composer for the soundtrack. The unique qualities that make Christopher Nolan an auteur are that, for most of his movies Nolan plays on the fragility of memory, for example giving his characters split personality’s or memory loss. This can be seen in Nolan’s 2000 film Memento. The Film Memento isn’t the type of film that has a definite answer. The movie is actually just one big interpretive question. The basic question on everyone’s mind being â€Å"what is actually going on in this movie?† Since the story is told backwards and is about a man, Leonard Shelby (played by Guy Pearce) who suffers from a memory disorder. Nolan and Guy’s character state, â€Å"It’s not amnesia.† This makes the movie even more questionable, because the audience is given another factor of confusion that is, can this character be trusted. The way Nolan portrays the joker in the dark night is also typical of the director, as the joker is given no identity, much like Leonard Shelby in Memento Another trait of is that he frequently uses hard cuts when transitioning to the next scene. This is noticeable in his films from ‘Batman Begins’ onward, especially in The Dark Knight, as in some instances, the hard cuts he uses will go so far as to nearly cut off character’s lines in order to quickly and efficiently get to the next scene.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Pearl Harbor - Warning Signs essays

Pearl Harbor - Warning Signs essays On November 26, 1941 a fleet of Japanese ships under the command of Chuchi Nagumo moved into a position 200 miles northwest of Honolulu, Hawaii. Their instructions, providing good weather, were to attack Pearl Harbor with maximum efficiency, dealing the U.S. a mortal blow (Stinnent 292) by destroying all battleships and airplanes in the vicinity. Nine days later, with good weather, Pearl Harbor saw the first wave of a crippling Japanese attack. 183 bombers, fighters and torpedo planes unleashed the initial and most killer wave of hostile fire. Just an hour and a half later the second wave of Japanese aircraft were returning to their respective carriers, while the U.S. forces at Pearl Harbor were not only shocked but also suffered damage in large amounts. 2,403 U.S. personnel were lost along with 188 airplanes. Eighteen U.S. ships were sunk or damaged. The most famous, the Arizona sank with most of its 1,300 men onboard. The Japanese lost a little fewer than 100 men and sixty airplanes, a very small loss compared to that of the U.S. Although the U.S. lost no aircraft carriers, the Japanese surprise attack hit the U.S. forces in the Pacific hard. The beautiful waters of a harbor known by the Hawaiians as Wai Momi (pearl waters), because of the pearl oysters that once lived there, were stained with a clear Japanese victory. Without a doubt the men stationed at Pearl Harbor had little, if any, clue that they were going to be attacked. This is clearly exhibited by ratio of U.S. loses to Japanese losses. However, there is strong evidence that suggests that high ranking officials in the U.S. government not only knew about the attack, but also provoked its happening. The first thing that must be considered when understanding the attack on Pearl Harbor is the position Franklin Delano Roosevelt was in. Roosevelt and his state department realized the danger of Nazi success. If the Nazis happened to captu...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Physical Therapy College Essay Essays

Physical Therapy College Essay Essays Physical Therapy College Essay Essay Physical Therapy College Essay Essay When considering the factors that can get in the way of a therapeutic relationship, communication is the main point of working in the health care field. It is important to be sensitive not only to the physical limitations of patients but to their emotional limitations as well. I am motivated to become a physical therapist because I want to enhance physical health, fitness and quality of life to adults and children. A good physical therapist is just as important as a good doctor. I know how devastating injuries can be to a person physically and mentally. In accident victims and individuals with disabling conditions, I understand how important it is to help people restore, maintain, and promote overall fitness and health. Therapists can change peoples lives by lifting their spirits and helping them get their quality of life back, and I would like to be a part of that. I have spent my life around active people. I have participated in athletics since I was very young and have played contact sports. I have excelled in baseball, and its the primary reason that I am choosing this specialty. Physical therapy can help the not so active people also. My mother has a neurological degenerative disease that causes her muscles to stiffen up, so it is very important for her to keep up with her range of motion, so that everyday tasks are easier on her. My aunt is another person in my life who has benefited from physical therapy in a dramatic way; she suffered a stroke about a year ago. She was confined to a wheel chair, and with the help of continual physical therapy, the use of her chair has been limited. My cousin works as head of the PT department at Staten Island University Hospital, and speaking with her, I have learned how demanding, and rewarding PT can be. I would like to work in the physical therapy industry as a sports trainer. I like the idea of being around sports while dealing with medicine and sport injuries. My goal would be to work with high school athletes anywhere up to professional athletes. My priority would be to make sure all my patients are successful and happy on their road to recovery. I know that I have the qualities that will make me successful to excel in PT.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Knowledge, Truth, and Belief Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Knowledge, Truth, and Belief - Case Study Example Hence, assumption of burnt bulb cannot be taken as final but considered along with the issue of fuse. Only when the fuse is also tested, that the reality of bulb being burnt or not can be conclusively defined. Thus, rational approach of problem, where well articulated or logical arguments become basis for problem solution, needs to be adopted. (words: 158) Russell’s approach of looking at things is hugely important because it uses empirical knowledge to interpret the world around from wider perspective of rational approach. He believes that perceived reality is important part of human interaction with the world which is often interpreted in context with the real life situation. While perception is linked with the sensory organs, its interpretation and understanding hugely depends on cognitive processes that relies on manipulation of information as stored in memory. At the same time, Russell also employs skepticism to understand emotional and metaphysical reaction. The expanding knowledge promotes rational approach where skepticism facilitates in coming to the right conclusion. As part of experience, skepticism helps to evolve options that support not only accrued knowledge comprising of scientific and priori knowledge but also the intuitive and inductive knowledge that comes from experience. Hence Russell’s approach lends credibility to the wider empirical knowledge of rationalization process. (words: 151) Out of the variety of considerations that Reid presents in support of his common sense position, I believe the strongest argument is that human intellect is most important factor in social interaction. The human intellect takes into consideration the conscious and unconscious working of mind along with the ability to rationalize events based on construction and deconstruction of object reality. The cognitive theory helps to explain why and how the events take place and subsequent pattern of

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Edward Lee Thorndike Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Edward Lee Thorndike - Essay Example His work has had a major contribution of the education system in America. He studied in several institutions and universities including Wesleyan University, The Roxbury Latin School, and Harvard University. Edward became interested in the department of psychology due to his love for books. Among the book that boosted home was ‘Principles of Psychology by William James. While at Harvard he studied under James care. This motivated his studies on psychology hence came up with his research on ‘mind reading(Lefrancois 24). He continued with his research and until he was later invited to study at Columbia University. This made him not complete his education at Wesleyan University. While at Columbia, he was motivated by James Cattell who helped him in his animal research. He also got involved in other experiments about human and animal behavior. His interest in the department together with continued researches helped him come up with theories supporting human and animal behavior. He continued with his passion for psychology until he was awarded a doctorate in 1898 on ‘Animal Intelligence. He used cats, dogs and chicks to support his thesis. Upon completing his education, he worked at Case Western Reserve University for a short period before becoming a psychology professor at Columbia University in the teachers College department. His has major contributions to education but most notably is from his theories and experimental studies on behaviors. Many students in the American society has been embraced his contribution to psychology by recognizing that he was among the main contributors and founding father of psychology. He is known to have written some of the best psychology books in history. Throughout his entire work history, Edward was a functionalist thinker and joined others who included John Dewey, Harvey Carr and James Rowland. In 1912, he was appointed as the American Psychological Associations president.